Jack, You may hear my hoots on a foggy evening in the redwoods, but I’m always hard to find. And when I take to the air, I’m silent and strike fear in the hearts of my prey. But unless you’re a mouse, you don’t need to fear. I’m actually pretty shy. I’m Olive, a spotted owl, and my friend Basil wanted me to remind you to take the Spooky Redwood Quiz. Unless you are too scared. Don’t be afraid, really. These forest facts aren’t truly frightening... just fascinating ✨ and mysterious 👁️🗨️ – like me and Basil. Have you ever seen a spotted owl like me? You’ll know me from the white spots on my chest and the pale markings forming an X between my eyes. I prey on small mammals, birds and bats (never Basil!), and creepy crawly insects. Spotted owls are becoming rarer and rarer, but you can still find us making our home in the redwoods. I don’t build my own nest. I take over the hollows in trees, deadwood, and snags. Or I might swoop in on a nest long abandoned by a squirrel or fellow raptor. Find out more spooky forest facts! it’ll only takes a few minutes Keep an eye out for me next time you’re in the forest, if you dare. Halloween Greetings 🎃,
Save the Redwoods League
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