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NASN news & updates

October 20, 2022

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All submissions are due November 16, 2022, at noon ET. 

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President's Message

School nurses, school health services coordinators, or anyone communicating with families about vaccinations can benefit from the new Building Family Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit - Framing Strategies for School Nurses. The toolkit, designed and written by the FrameWorks Institute, is offered by NASN as part of the Champions for School Health project, which aims to increase confidence in and access to pediatric COVID-19 vaccinations.

The toolkit offers evidence-based tips and techniques to support more productive conversations and communications about getting kids vaccinated. The resources included can equip you to build the confidence of caregivers who have not yet vaccinated their children against COVID-19. View the Toolkit.

Linda Mendonça, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, NCSN, FNASN
NASN President

NASN News and Highlights

Staffing Shortage Leaves Schools Without Nurses

School nurses play a key role in keeping students safe and healthy, but districts have faced difficulty in having enough of them.

"Some school nurses and other school health personnel don't necessarily feel supported in their workforce or workplace setting - we need to make sure that every student has a school nurse advocating for them and looking at the whole picture of what makes a student healthy, safe and ready to learn every single day,” said Andrea Tanner, PhD, RN, NCSN NASN Consulting Research Strategist.


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New Courses In the NASN Learning Center

Self-Promotion and Empowerment to Improve the Social Perception of School Nursing

Many school nurses struggle to provide high-quality care for their students against barriers like tight budgets, too few nurses, and a lack of understanding of the school nurse's role, expertise, and value. This course will help participants challenge the social perception around school nursing, learn the importance of self-and professional promotion, and equip them with tools to develop these skills. The session was initially presented at Virtual NASN2021 and is now available in the NASN Learning Center. Learn more and complete the course.

Distinguishing the Differences and Delivering Care for COVID-19, Asthma, and the Flu at School

Asthma, COVID-19, and influenza have some of the same signs and symptoms and are high-impact health concerns in the school setting. It is vital for the school nurse to be able to discern the differences between them and deliver the appropriate care. This learning center activity offers an overview of these conditions and how to prevent, assess, and care for each, with tools and resources to assist the school nurse in providing education to students and staff. The session was first introduced at Virtual NASN2021 and is accessible now in the NASN Learning Center. Learn more and complete the course.

The State of Period Education in the United States

Period stigma and a lack of menstrual health education have been the root causes of systemic issues impacting students, families, and policies. It is essential to talk about periods at home, in the classroom, and in our everyday lives. But how do we do that effectively? Julia Lechtenberg MSN, RN, NCSN-Emeritus Independent School Nurse Consultant and Board Director of NASN, Dr. Marni Sommer, Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences, and Saumya Sao PERIOD's Youth Champion in Education discuss The State of Period Education in the United States for Period Action Day.


Social Development Support in Schools: The Role of School Nurses

The growth of social development entails a progression where youth learn to interact with those around them. This NASN School Nurse article, The Significance of Social Development Support in Schools: The Critical Role of School Nurses, provides interventions school nurses may use to incorporate social development into their daily practice and interactions with students. Social-emotional skills are pivotal to children’s and adolescents’ health, well-being, and academic success.

Imperfect Immunization Communication on District Website

In The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) October Podcast, JOSN editor Martha Dewey Bergren interviews author Mark Navin to discuss the article "Imperfect Immunization Communication on School District Websites: A Mixed-Methods Review."

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Wake Up and Learn provides free materials and tools to promote student well-being through improved sleep.

Wake Up and Learn is a free, school-based sleep education and screening program that strives to combat the negative impacts of insufficient sleep on adolescent well-being and empower students to make better decisions about their health. For more information, watch this video and/or visit

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School Nurses in the News

This section highlights news stories featuring NASN and school nurses. If you have a story about school nurses you'd like us to consider including, please send it to us.

COVID-19 Updates, Resources and Events

Symposium: What Worked, What We Learned, and What’s Next

Join us Nov. 15-16, 2022, in-person or virtually, for the symposium, K-12 COVID-19 Response Across the Nation: What Worked, What We Learned, and What’s Next, to connect with colleagues from across the country and reflect on our pandemic response successes and lessons learned. 

Deborah D'Souza-Vazirani, NASN Champions for School Health Project Manager, will moderate a School Located Vaccination (SLV) panel of NASN members, including Lynne Meadows (GA), Marnie McKercher (CO), Joanna Pitts (VA) and Mary Ellen Engel (NJ). The event, coordinated by the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and Brown University School of Public Health and made possible by The Rockefeller Foundation, will welcome Deborah L. Birx, M.D., former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, as the keynote speaker. Learn more and register.

Update: CDC Guidance for K-12 Schools for Safe In-Person Learning

On October 5, 2022, CDC updated the Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning to recommend that school nurses and other staff working in the school health office wear a mask to prevent the spread of infection from COVID-19 based on community transmission. Students exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should wear a well-fitting mask while waiting for transport home.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Skills-based Approach to Managing Chronic Health Conditions in Schools

The Skills-based Approach to Managing Chronic Health Conditions in Schools program aims to help school nurses apply NASN's Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice™ to the management of chronic health conditions in their school communities. As a result of participating in this educational activity, you will be able to:

  • Describe evidence-based skills for a 21st-century school nurse-led approach to managing chronic health conditions in schools.
  • Apply lessons learned from other state experiences supporting students to effectively manage their chronic health condition. 
  • Explain to non-licensed stakeholders the critical components needed to effectively manage chronic health conditions for students in schools to support the development and sustainability of programming.

Learn more and complete the course.

Improving School Community & Student Health

Free Virtual Learning Series: Elevating Youth, Empowering Community

America's children are in a mental health crisis. Anxiety, depression, and suicidal behavior were on the rise long before COVID-19 but have skyrocketed since the pandemic began. Families and those working daily with children are the first lines of prevention and healing. The Hanna Institute provides opportunities to learn the science and skills to support our children. Learn more and register for the free virtual training series to elevate youth and empower communities.

Immunization Integration Program's Bulk Query Toolkit

The Immunization Integration Program (IIP) released its Bulk Query Toolkit, providing recommendations to immunization information systems (IIS) and their data exchange partners. The toolkit provides strategies to maintain core IIS functionality while expanding query capability to support population health efforts. Find out how information technology is supporting public health interoperability.

2022 International Infection Prevention Week

The theme for this year’s observance of International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW), October 16-22, is The Future is Infection Prevention: 50 Years of Infection Prevention. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) spearheads the commemoration of IIPW each year. Visit the IIPW website for free COVID-19 factsheets, social media posts, and more. 

Protect Youth from Online Exploitation

Since 2020, the U.S. Department of Education has conducted a webinar series to address the growing response of America’s schools to child trafficking. Join the next webinar in this series, Protecting Young People from Online Exploitation, Wednesday, October 26, 2022, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT. Learn more and register.

Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Office of Safe and Supportive Schools just released information about the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program. This program provides competitive grants to support and demonstrate innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health service providers for employment in schools and local educational agencies. Check out the application process and additional information. The application deadline is Nov. 3, 2022.

National Children’s Dental Health Month Materials Available

The American Dental Association’s Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention has announced that the February 2023 National Children’s Dental Health Month materials are now available. Order the free bilingual posters and find additional resources, including activity sheets and a planning guidePlease email [email protected] with questions or special requests.

National Health Education Week – October 17-21, 2022

For more than 20 years, the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) has celebrated National Health Education Week (NHEW) in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services. NHEW activities increase awareness of major public health issues and promote a better understanding of the role of health education and health promotion. Learn more.

  • NASN Resources: School nurses are qualified and uniquely positioned in schools to advocate for and implement comprehensive health education that is available, inclusive, developmentally, and culturally appropriate, and evidenced to result in healthy behaviors. See NASN's position statement Comprehensive Health Education in Schools, and view the Health and Practice topics page for resources for school nurses conveniently broken down by topic. 
  • Mark Your Calendar

Hanna Institute's Elevating Youth, Empowering Community Virtual Trainings

October 24 | Youth Anxiety

November 8 | Youth Suicidality

December 2 | Anti-Bullying

Families and those working daily with children will learn powerful skills from experts in the field to implement immediately in the home, school, and community. Learn more and register.

Human Trafficking Series - Protecting Young People from Online Exploitation

October 26

This webinar is focused on understanding what online exploitation is and how schools can protect young people from it. Learn more and register.

Application Deadline:

Research Grants

October 31

NASN members are encouraged to apply for these grants. NASN supports research regarding school nursing and the health of children and youth through research grants. These grants advance and fund quality school nursing and school-affiliated delivery of healthcare.

Learn more and apply.

K-12 COVID-19 Response Across the Nation:

What Worked, What We Learned, and What’s Next

November 15 - 16

(in-person and live-streamed)

Partnering at the Intersection of Equity, Education, and Health. Featuring a panel on SLV clinics with NASN staff and members and Deborah L. Birx, M.D., former White House Coronavirus Response

Coordinator as the keynote speaker.

Learn more and register.

Presentation Submissions Deadline:

November 16

NASN is seeking presentation submissions for NASN2023, Building for the Future: Health, Advocacy, and Leadership, in-person, June 30 - July 3, 2023, in Orlando, Florida, and virtual conference

July 10 - July 12.

Learn more and submit.

State Associations of School Nurses' Conferences

  • Tennessee Association of School Nurses Fall 2022 Conference - Advancing the Professional Practice of the School Nurse: One Life at a Time - November 2-3 - Learn more

  • Utah School Nurse Association 2022 Virtual Fall Conference - Healthy Children are Better Learners - November 4 - Learn more and Register

  • Texas School Nurse Organization Conference -Promoting student health by building resiliency - November 4-6 - Learn more

  • Colorado Association of School Nurses Fall Conference - Supporting Student Success: School Nurses Make a Difference - November 4-6 -  Learn more and Register

  • Virginia Association of School Nurses Fall Conference - 36th Annual Fall Conference - November 5-6 -  Learn more and Register

  • West Virginia Association of School Nurses Annual Fall Conference - Back to Basics - November 10-12 - Learn more and Register

  • Annual North Carolina School Nurse Conference - School Health: A Time to Reflect, Celebrate, and Refocus - December 8-9, 2022 - Learn more and Register

NASN Calendar of Events

This calendar includes upcoming events hosted by NASN and NASN affiliate school nurse organizations. Access the calendar.

National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar lists special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Access the 2021 calendar. 
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