Around this time six years ago, I started thinking about Christmas shopping.

Elect Katie Hobbs


Around this time six years ago, I started thinking about Christmas shopping.

At the time, my husband and I were facing financial difficulty, but I didn’t want my kids to worry. So to put presents under the tree and food on the table, I drove for Uber on the side to help pay the bills.

I will never forget what that felt like.

And right now, so many Arizonans know that feeling all too well. Too often, working families are forced into difficult financial choices, like covering the costs of a prescription medicine or your kids’ holiday gifts. With costs rising on everything from gas to groceries to housing, I know firsthand how hard it is to make ends meet.

That’s the perspective I’ll bring to the governor’s office. Arizonans deserve a leader who understands the challenges they’re facing. I do — because I’ve lived them. And I’m ready to deliver solutions.

If you’re with me, I hope you’ll pitch in now to support my campaign in the final days:

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As I’ve traveled the state during this campaign, I’ve had countless conversations with folks who are looking for a leader who understands the day-to-day challenges they’re facing. Unlike my opponent, they’re sick of re-litigating the 2020 election, and they’re ready for serious leadership with real plans to move Arizona forward.

I’m the only candidate in the race with comprehensive policy proposals to help Arizonans get ahead. I’m ready to get to work as Arizona’s next governor, and to deliver solutions that put more money in the pockets of working families. I hope you’re with me in this fight.

Thank you for everything, and for taking the time to read this message.

— Katie