MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped defeat Donald Trump in in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to hold the House and Senate in 2022 to advance our progressive agenda.

Hey Friend, it's Carly with Team March On.


Earlier this month, we invited you to join the Election Protection coalition by volunteering to protect the vote and stop voter suppression.


Now, the election is in less than two weeks – so NOW is the time to get involved and help ensure every eligible voter can make their voice heard!


Friend, click here to sign up as an Election Volunteer now! >>


Our original email is attached below.


Thank you for helping to protect our democracy, Friend!





Hey Friend,


This fall, voters across the country will face new and confusing restrictions on their right to vote – thanks to Republican-led state legislatures passing 34+ new voter suppression bills last year.


And voters trying to prepare for these changes will face the same misinformation we’ve seen for over a decade – along with the usual last-minute dirty tricks designed to keep them from the polls.


So we’re partnering with the Election Protection coalition to ensure that every single voter can make their voices heard at the ballot box this fall – and we’re personally asking you to join us by volunteering with our Protect the Vote campaign!


Become an Election Volunteer right now, then keep reading to learn more! >>

Every election year, the Election Protection coalition recruits, trains, and deploys thousands of volunteers in every state – and nonpartisan Election Protection volunteers like you will be voters’ first line of defense against restrictive election laws, changes to polling locations or procedures, or anything else that could silence their voices.


We’ll help you find the best way to get involved – whether that’s monitoring polling places, watching social media for disinformation and voters in need of help, or reaching out to voters to make sure they know their rights.


We all know about the problems facing our democracy – confusing rules around the polls that differ from state to state, rampant disinformation, and more. You can be a part of the solution by volunteering as an Election Volunteer today >>

Thanks for all you do, Friend.



Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend. Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to create the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.
Rush a donation now to MARCH ON to take back our democracy >>

Paid for by MARCH ON