Dear John, “Babies right now, today, are being born alive after an attempt to end their lives in an abortion, and are not being given medical care that they need and deserve,” said Amy Miles. “The reality is that had I been born today in this state, I would not have been given the chance to continue to live.” On Monday, we had the privilege of hearing from Amy Miles and Michelle Lyman—two Oregonians who survived abortion. This year, we have a real opportunity to elect pro-life candidates who will work to pass protections for infants who are born alive after an attempted abortion—people like Amy and Michelle. The only way that will happen is if you vote pro-life. Pro-abortion politicians have voted against the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act every chance they’ve had. We need pro-life advocates in the Oregon House, Oregon Senate, and the Governor’s Office if we want to ensure those babies receive the life-saving medical care they need. Because everyone deserves an advocate, Lois Anderson Voting Info |