To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must first stop wasteful government spending. To receive fewer emails from White Coat Waste Project (WCW), please adjust your preferences.
Dear Taxpayer, it’s supposed to be the most beautiful moment in all of nature.
A Scottish Terrier delivers a litter of puppies. For life’s first few weeks, mom provides every one of her babies’ needs – from grooming to nutritious milk.
Her puppies are totally defenseless. They can’t see, hear, or even walk yet. Maternal instinct kicks in.
To move a little one out of harm’s way, she picks him up in her mouth. That’s when the unthinkable happens: her baby accidentally bleeds to death.
It’s a sick, twisted perversity of Mother Nature. It’s so grotesque it could only happen in government: the NIH itself.
Taxpayer, this puppy mill may be even worse than Envigo. You see, it’s been taxpayer-funded for seventy-five years!
Since 1947, NIH-funded white coats have been breeding bleeding Scottish Terriers, bleeding beagles, and many other breeds doomed to become the victims of government experiments.
If the newborns aren’t accidentally killed by their moms, they’re deliberately killed by well-heeled NIH-funded mad 'scientists' dressed in white lab coats.
EXTREMELY URGENT: NIH has extended funding for another five years! The most effective way to stop a government animal experiment is to stop its funding as quickly as possible.
Taxpayer, the NIH breeds 120-150 bleeding pups per year. Their lives are short — and brutal.
Taxpayer, as a new mother myself, I’m devastated.
But as the Development Director of the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) — the nation’s most effective group fighting for dogs and animals in labs — I’m taking action!
I just started this new rapid response fund to end the bleeding, shut down the NIH’s colony, and defund the experiments. Will you rush an immediate gift before the deadline?
If you bled a beagle to death in your home, you'd pay a huge fine. You might even go to jail. But when white coats do it in a government lab, they cash a large check!
You shouldn’t be forced to pay another dime to these greedy white coats. They watch innocent puppies bleed out — and force their moms to watch the suffering, too.
75 Years Is Long Enough!
End the Bleeding >>
Taxpayer, to stop taxpayer-funded animal testing, you must first stop wasteful government spending. Our strategy? Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS!
That’s why WCW is the only organization to have successfully shut down government dog labs since 2007 — no other group has closed any at all. In fact, you and I have shut down more government dogs labs in the last 40 weeks than most groups have in 40 years.
Remember the blood-draining and heart-harvesting dog lab at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in Saint Louis? You gave generously — and we ended it quickly.
Remember Dr. Anthony Fauci’s $1.8 million hay fever tests on 6-month-old beagles? You stepped up. We stopped the experiments cold — and spared the puppies!
And remember Envigo — the other notorious NIH-funded puppy mill? You helped us start the domino effect that eventually freed these 4,000 beagles.
Now Taxpayer, I’m calling on you again. Will you help me save the NIH’s bleeding beagles?
75 years is long enough,
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Christine McPherson |
P.S. Deadline for Taxpayer, no mother should ever have to kill her own puppy. But since this NIH payout got extended, we have to move especially quickly. I started a new rapid response fund because the most effective way to stop a government experiment is to stop its funding as quickly as possible. Any amount you are able to give today will help us shut down the colony, defund NIH dog labs, and rescue the survivors. Are you in?
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