Dear Friend,
It was reported by Planned Parenthood recently that
North Carolina’s abortion numbers have tripled since
June. The pro-choice movement has been busy fluffing the
pillows for “abortion tourism” and engaging in political theater to
lure abortion seekers from out of state while scaring voters. North
Carolina is poised to become “The Abortion Destination of the South”
and only pro-life voters can stop it.
Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed every piece of pro-life
legislation presented to him. The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors
Protection Act” in 2019 would have required doctors to give
life-saving medical care to babies who survived the abortionists’
tools. His veto means infants who managed to live after an abortion
attempt may be left on a cold shelf in a clinic to
die, and treated like mere medical waste.
Allowing abortionists to snuff out the lives of newborn babies just
because an abortion failed is extreme, and
out of step with North Carolinians. Cooper also vetoed
anti-discrimination legislation to protect unborn babies from being
aborted because of their race, or because of
a Down Syndrome diagnosis. He has employed heavy-handed tactics even
with pro-life members of his own party to advance abortion without
restriction up to birth, paid for by
Cooper and his abortion allies have tried to keep this issue
at the front of voters’ minds with radical legislation, press
conferences and even a needless Executive Order as part of their
pro-abortion antics. We also want voters to consider the issue of
abortion when heading to the polls, but the difference is, we want
them to know the truth. We want voters to understand that Governor
Cooper and his allies in the Democrat party are the extremists. They
are the ones who want to repeal all restrictions on abortion and make
it legal for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy. Of
course, they never mention the brutality of abortion—how later term
abortions involves dismemberment of the unborn baby, and how early
term and chemical abortion involve delivering an actual fully formed
dead baby. The humanity of unborn babies is something they never
mention, and they don’t want voters to think about it
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In gratitude,
Laura Macklem Press and
Political Director NC Values
PS: Don’t forget that early
voting is underway. Make sure to check out our NC Values
Toolkit, and the sponsored iVoterGuide, for more
election information.