Dear John,
With Halloween quickly approaching, children look forward to dressing up in adorable costumes and enjoying tricks and treats!
The kids at Children's Hospital Los Angeles are excited too—but instead of going door to door, we bring the celebration to them. Our team members are ready with fun costumes in every size and decorations to make Halloween even more festive—but we still need a little bit of your help.
There are only a few days left to send a Halloween greeting to a child in the hospital. For every card sent, Delta Air Lines will donate $1 to the hospital—up to $25,000! Join the hundreds of supporters who have already sent their cards!

Don't wait, John. Help make sure that when all of our patients reach into their goody bags, they pull out adorable Halloween cards that they can color in!
One of my favorite parts of my job as the head of our Child Life and Expressive Arts & Therapies team is putting on holiday celebrations for our patients. That includes delivering the Halloween cards sent by supporters like you. It is so special to see the faces of our kids light up as they receive those adorable cards and read warm messages from people all over the world—they especially love reading funny jokes!
It only takes a minute to send a card to a child in the hospital, but it's a small thing that has a massive impact on kids. Send yours now!

Carol K. Hamamoto, MS, CCLS
Manager, Child Life and Expressive Arts & Therapies
Children's Hospital Los Angeles