Jews and allies are fighting for
freedom and democracy this year, Friend.
Friend —
This community is AMAZING. Supporters like you across the country
have brought us within $1,127 of our fundraising goal.
There’s still time to double your impact and power urgent voter
contact work ahead of Election Day. Chip
in $18 before midnight, and your gift will be MATCHED,
The resources we raise before our midnight deadline will determine
what our movement can accomplish in the 2 weeks before Election Day —
calls made, texts sent,
doors knocked, postcards written,
and more.

This is your movement. Together, we are building
the multiracial democracy of our dreams — where white supremacy is
dismantled, Black liberation is realized, and we all have what we need
to thrive. Winning elections is a crucial part of how we'll get
$18, or however much you are able to give, before midnight to
DOUBLE your impact in these urgent final days before the
With gratitude, The Bend the Arc Team
PS: We need you with us as we work to to elect leaders who will
fight for all of us and defeat dangerous MAGA Republicans. Rush
a gift of $18 before our midnight deadline to power our movement's
voter outreach before Election Day.