Sorry to sound alarmed, but we’re running out of time to ensure that Dr. Oz and dark money GOP Super PACs aren’t able to BUY this seat by dumping tens of million$ of dollars into shady attack ads.

This is REALLY bad news, John...

For the first time in this race, a poll shows John and Dr. Oz TIED.

This new poll shows they're tied!

This is serious — it’s the first time a poll shows John NOT in the lead. If we don’t ramp up our efforts on all fronts, Dr. Oz has a serious chance of winning.

Please split a $25 donation or just what you can today. We urgently need your support if we’re going to defeat Dr. Oz, elect John Fetterman, and flip PA blue this November.

If you've saved payment info with AB Express, a donation to John Fetterman and Lucas Kunce will go through immediately:

Sorry to sound alarmed, but we’re running out of time to ensure that Dr. Oz and dark money GOP Super PACs aren’t able to BUY this seat by dumping tens of million$ of dollars into shady attack ads.

If we’re going to keep fighting back against their attacks, defeat Dr. Oz, and ensure John wins, we need a huge surge in grassroots support ASAP. So John:

Can we count on you to split a donation between John’s campaign + Lucas Kunce's efforts to elect Dems right now? With Dr. Oz closing in on John in the final stretch, we need everyone on our team who can spare a donation to step up immediately.

Let’s win this,

Team Fetterman HQ