We’re two weeks away from the midterm elections. That means we’ve got two weeks to hit The 147 as hard as possible and make sure January 6th is fresh in the minds of American voters when they cast a ballot on Election Day.

That’s why we’re proud to announce our top target for the 2022 midterms, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert.

Why are we directing our energy toward unseating Lauren Boebert?

  1. Boebert was involved with the early planning of January 6th and frequently exchanged communications with the organizers.

  2. Boebert attended the rally before the crowd stormed the Capitol.

  3. Boebert further incited the rioters on the House floor and voted against election certification in crucial swing states.

  4. When the insurrection breached the Capitol, Boebert fed the rioters intel about Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s location.

Boebert is an insurrectionist and a traitor. Luckily, a recent poll has shown that she is trailing her Democrat opponent, Adam Frisch, in the campaign for CO-03.

That’s why we will run digital and radio spots throughout Boebert’s district. In a tight race, our ads could be the deciding factor in defeating Boebert.

Are you ready to take out one of The 147’s most prominent members, friend?

Soon, we’ll be reaching out to show you the ad we will run throughout CO-03. But in the meantime, we’d appreciate it if you could contribute to our Midterm Victory Fund. Your support will help keep this ad on air and in the minds of voters who will vote against Boebert on Election Day.

-Operation 147 





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