John -

Donald Trump rolled out endorsements of GOPers Scott Jensen and Kim Crockett yesterday but didn’t weigh in on our race.

We were more than a bit surprised considering Julie’s opponent calls himself a Trump Election lawyer and holds some of the most extreme views of any Republican running this year.

The only explanation: Ryan Wilson is too extreme, even for Donald Trump.

We can’t let this guy win – please chip in today to help Julie win!

The polls aren’t great for Julie right now.

We’re within the margin of error, which is way too close. The Star Tribune ran a story yesterday saying this might be the GOP’s best chance of winning a state wide seat in 16 years.

We can’t slow down now.

Please, contribute today! We’re counting on you.

Thank you!

Burke Spizale
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States