Unpacking climate finance, mitigation, and adaptation at COP27
Fresh Energy's J. Drake Hamilton is headed to the U.N. Climate Change Conference ready to focus on climate finance. For more on this subject, check out our blog or tune into Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast—and keep an eye on this page for updates from Egypt.
Coming together to build an equitable clean energy future
With nearly 400 guests, our seventh annual Benefit Breakfast co-hosted by Mari Ojeda and Joe Dammel was an inspiring success! Check out some highlights and don't miss the special announcement from Michael Noble, Fresh Energy's executive director.
Pledge to boost the vote
This year, commit to asking five people you know about their plan to vote and share a vision for what we can accomplish when we advance clean energy policies.
Congratulations to Isabel and Mari!
Isabel Ricker, Fresh Energy's Director, Clean Electricity was recognized with the Solar Advocacy Award at MnSEIA's Gateway to Solar Conference and Mari Ojeda, Senior Policy Associate, Energy Access and Equity, earned a spot on the national 2022 Young, Gifted, and Green 40 Under 40 List
Hot off the presses! ENN's newest digest features the week's top energy stories delivered to subscriber inboxes—perfect for keeping up with the latest clean energy news. Sign up today!
Rural communities are embracing home electrification to avoid community pollution and negative health impacts. The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition, a project of Fresh Energy, helped tell the story.
The Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA) must be a priority this legislative session. Our elected leaders need to secure Minnesota’s rightful share of this federal investment.
Tune in to Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast ahead of COP27 for a conversation about the importance of climate finance and how Minnesotans can support global climate progress.
October 27 | The IRA and You
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) incentivizes consumers to end dependence on fossil fuels. What does that mean for you?
Nov. 2-3 | Public hearings: Xcel Energy rate case
Are you an Xcel customer? Plug into the current rate case at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.
Nov. 30 | Debriefing COP27
COP27 will kick off two weeks of global climate discussions. Join J. Drake Hamilton and members of the Minnesota delegation for a debrief in late November.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. Make a gift today to support our clean energy future.
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