
Fellow American,

We have not only turned one but now TWO prestigious polls from ‘Lean Democratic’ to ‘Toss-up’!

The Cook Political Report recently changed their rating of our race to a TOSS-UP – meaning we CAN and WILL win this election.

It’s taken MONTHS of hard work to make this race a toss-up, so Democrats are going to do anything and everything they can to make this race lean back in their favor.

But we can’t let the grind stop now when so much is at stake. National Democrats are already throwing MILLIONS into this race that, frankly, our campaign can’t compete with. That is why I am coming to you, to give us one more BIG PUSH and help us get over the finish line.


The Hill has already announced that we are ONE OF SEVEN targeted seats to flip. Meaning what happens here in the little state of Connecticut will strike a BIG effect for the entire country.

Please, help me flip this critical seat RED to take back the House by showing your support with a contribution of $10, $25, or more. With races this close, every single dollar we raise will matter.

‹ ‹  CONTRIBUTE $10  › ›

‹ ‹  CONTRIBUTE $25  › ›

‹ ‹  CONTRIBUTE $50  › ›


We’re less than two weeks out from Election Day, so please don’t wait to help. We need to be able to reserve final media buys, place the last shipment of lawn signs, and ensure our volunteers are fully equipped by the end of this week.

I sincerely appreciate your support; now, let’s go WIN!

All my best,

George S. Logan


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