Hi John,

I can hardly believe that we recently reached the 3rd Anniversary of the tragic day when Westminster forced abortion on Northern Ireland in October 2019.

It really breaks my heart to think that more than 4136 innocent little babies have been brutally killed by abortion since that terrible day.

To mark the anniversary, Precious Life has organised a LIFE CHAIN event on Saturday 5th November. I invite you to join me in front of Belfast City Hall at 2pm.

In remembrance of the 4136 babies killed by abortion, we will circle Belfast City Hall with our pro-life message. The theme for this year will be “STOP ABORTION VIOLENCE” and “PEACE BEGINS IN THE WOMB” We will again call on the Northern Ireland Assembly to repeal Section 9 and restore personhood to every child before birth.

Our LIFE CHAIN will show the anti-life politicians in the Assembly and in Westminster, that abortion is still NOT IN OUR NAME and that we will always stand up for life and against the killing of our unborn babies.

Please PLAN NOW to attend - bring your family and friends - SAVE THE DATE - Saturday 5th November 2022

Despite the relentless attacks coming against myself and Precious Life, our peaceful Pro-Life Outreach continues outside the abortion centres in Northern Ireland this coming week. Come along and hold a sign or simply stand praying silently as we continue offering help and life-affirming alternatives to abortion-vulnerable women.
And our weekly Street Outreach continues in Belfast this Saturday (29th October) - collecting signatures from the public for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign and distributing our pro-life information. Come along and join us.

The battle continues until personhood and full legal protection is restored to every unborn child in Northern Ireland.

Please continue to pray for me, and be assured of my daily prayers for you and your loved ones.

Yours, for Life,
Bernadette Smyth
Precious Life

Precious Precious Life condemn UK Government
for forcing more abortion on Northern Ireland

Precious Life has condemned the UK Government for overriding democracy and devolution by forcing even more abortions on Northern Ireland. 

The UK Government's Secretary of State For Northern Ireland Chris Heaton-Harris announced on Monday (24 Oct), “The UK Government has been clear that the Government would commission abortion services if the Department of Health did not act to provide them …Three years on from the decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland, we will be ensuring the commissioning of abortion services by the UK Government.”

In October 2019 while the Stormont Assembly was suspended, the Westminster Parliament forced abortion legislation on Northern Ireland. This overturned the legislation contained in the “Offences against the Person Act” that had previously protected unborn babies and their mothers from abortion for over 150 years. Westminster’s new regulations came into force in March 2020, and NI hospitals started offering abortion up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, the “full commissioning” of abortions after 10 weeks was stalled due to disagreement on the issue within the NI Assembly. The UK Government then gave itself the power to override the NI Assembly and allow the Secretary of State to do anything that a Northern Ireland Minister or Department could do for the purpose of ensuring abortions are carried out.

Director of Precious Life, Bernadette Smyth said, “Since 2020, over 4136 babies in Northern Ireland have already been killed by so-called early medical abortions.  But 4136 dead babies are not enough for Chris Heaton-Harris. His commissioning of full abortion ‘services’ means babies in the womb will be killed right up to the moment of birth.

“Chris Heaton-Harris is not only ignoring the right to life of unborn babies here, but also blatantly ignoring the principles of democracy and devolution by using his governmental powers to override the Stormont Assembly.

She added, “Assembly Members from Sinn Fein, SDLP and other pro-abortion parties must also be called out. They protest when Westminster tries to interfere on other issues – yet welcome and support Westminster’s interference when they force abortion on Northern Ireland. These Assembly Members are hypocrites! With another election looming over Northern Ireland, we call on the people of Northern Ireland to vote them out and only elect politicians who will respect and protect the right to life of everyone in Northern Ireland.”

It is understood the cost of fully-commissioned abortions could be about £5million for Northern Ireland. Chris Heaton-Harris said, “The UK Government will ensure that appropriate funding is available to enable healthcare professionals to take the necessary steps to ensure that essential training and recruitment of staff can progress, and services can be implemented."

Bernadette Smyth responded, “The Health Service in Northern Ireland is already in crisis due to lack of funds. Northern Ireland has the worst waiting times of any UK region. More than 300,000 people are currently waiting for genuine medical treatment, yet taxpayer’s money will now be used for the killing of our unborn babies in Northern Ireland.”

Mrs Smyth concluded, “Every child deserves to be protected from the barbaric practice of abortion and every woman in an unexpected pregnancy deserves genuine life-affirming healthcare and support. Women in Northern Ireland deserve better than abortion. Precious Life will continue campaigning to restore personhood and full legal protection for their unborn babies."
4136 unborn babies killed by NI Department of Health

Pro-abortion Politicians in Northern Ireland are complicit in these killings...

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YouTube links Precious Life Videos to Abortion website

Many of Precious Life's videos have had a pro-abortion "context box" attached by YouTube...

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