Hi friend,

The election is heating up here in Georgia–are you ready to help get voters the resources they need to cast their vote? Early Voting is going on NOW, vote-by-mail ballots are being sent out, and Election Day is less than TWO short weeks away. We need you to pitch in to get voters the information they need to navigate the confusing rules around voting in Georgia and make their vote count!

This election will change the landscape of Georgia and the country for years to come and none of us can afford to sit back now. Can we count on you to join one of our phonebanks to reach out to voters? (Don’t worry, we begin each phonebank with a comprehensive training!) We’ve added a phonebank the night before Election Day & we need your help to make sure those voters know they only have one more chance to vote in this crucial election. 

Sign up for a phonebank TODAY

Want to text with Fair Fight? Sign up for our last text training before Election Day HERE to get everything you'll need 

If you’ve texted with Fair Fight before head to our Slack – that’s where we’ll post information about how to join upcoming shifts!

Georgia residents only: Counties can start processing Vote by Mail ballots as early as this week. We need volunteers like you to serve as the eyes and ears of the Democratic party to ensure that every eligible Georgian's vote counts. Sign up HERE to be a Paper Ballot Monitor and then, be sure to sign up for a training HERE as well.

Not in Georgia (or can’t be a Paper Ballot Monitor) and want to do more? Sign up as a voter protection volunteer today! There’s a variety of in-person and some virtual opportunities available! Let’s utilize the power of strength in numbers–invite your friends, family, and networks to volunteer with you by sharing these links and opportunities with them! 

We are so grateful for your continued dedication and activism as we work together to turn out the vote for this election. There are many voters to speak with before November 8th, so let’s get this done together! If you have any specific questions about volunteering that have not been answered in this email you can email [email protected] and our team will get back to you as soon as we can. 


In solidarity,

Fair Fight Field Team