Trump has been impeached! A cause for celebration and increased determination.
Now let’s go all the way to drive Trump and the whole fascist regime from power.
Join the #OUTNOW! Movement - The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go NOW!
> > See #OutNOW plans for January beginning this weekend with mass meetings
In a season of giving, there’s just one present we yearn to give to the people of the world and of the United States: liberation from the Trump/Pence fascist regime that is busily cementing its capture of the planet’s biggest nuclear superpower.
Give generously to sustain the #OUTNOW Movement to drive the Trump/Pence regime from power. We’re at a crucial juncture now, and January will likely prove even more important in deciding victory or defeat. #OutNow, Refuse Fascism, and other forces opposing the regime made real gains in the closing weeks of 2019: above all, pressure from the people has at last succeeded in forcing a reluctant Democratic Party to impeach a president for only the third time in our nation’s history. Thus, we begin 2020 on very different terrain, terrain which offers both new promise and new pitfalls.

It’s more vital than ever that we not let the urgency of our message get lost in the upcoming frenzy of electioneering, or the sneering of those who are already saying “fine, we did a little of this silly impeachment thing you insisted on — now will you let all this die in peace, so we can go back to politics is usual?”
We can’t. They may not know it, but we do: politics as usual has long since left the building, and no, we can’t just let humanity and the rule of law die in peace.
The pitfalls we must steer clear of in 2020 are silence, complicity, and preemptive surrender. But again, the New Year holds real promise as well...if we can only remember and use our collective power. Only we, as ordinary people in the U.S. coming together in all our diversity, can save ourselves and countless others across the world who face being destroyed by the global cancer of a fascist United States of America. Only a true grassroots movement of mass, sustained, disruptive, non-violent protest — focused clearly on the baseline problem we confront of a consolidating fascism — can put a halt to the sleepwalking, the sad pretense of normality, and the immoral complicity of all too many of us, who are keeping our heads down hoping that “the trouble passes me and mine over.”
This is what Refuse Fascism has called for, made a cogent case for, and modeled over the holidays, with both the five weeks of our #OutNow! Launch and our December Disruptions afterward. We have set out a real-world example of exactly the kind of sustained, single-demand campaign we must build nationwide as quickly as possible. This is a precious beginning which has drawn forward new cores and inspired tens of thousands — all this is crucial for the future.
But our ability to widen this call — to make this case and set our plan before the thousands and ultimately millions who must take it up as their own — depends on the strength of the ongoing reinforcement from our volunteers, donors, and coalition forces. Many forces in American politics are expending a lot of effort and funding, for their own various reasons, to prevent or delay exactly the mass awakening we seek. They’ll be working harder than ever to do this as 2020 gets underway and they desperately seek to change the subject and terms of our resistance, until it fuels their short-term political goals rather than the critical needs of humanity and democracy in this dire moment. It is more than possible to cut through that growing noise with the truth people must hear. But we need growing support to do that — from all those in this country who know in their hearts that we can’t afford to simply wait this regime out — if we’re to actually succeed.
And yes, we must actually succeed...before it’s too late. This is not about being able to say “well, we tried.” A moral victory won’t save the lives now at stake. Only a literal one will.
You have a part to play in this momentous effort. Find a donation amount that is meaningful to you. This is a powerful way, not just to make your own concrete contribution to ending the Trump/Pence regime, but to join a community across this country that is stepping up to do so, and crucially, inspiring others to contribute and spread the love and hope in their own turn.

Sustained protest requires a sustained flow of support — and we’re looking to do far more than just sustain. The beginning we’ve forged and the attention we’ve garnered in 2019 are a victory; but that victory can only endure if we have the resources to propel it forward and use our momentum to make a qualitative and quantitative leap for this movement.
Nothing less can hope to overtake the fascist tide and meet the one imperative goal on which all other goals depend: Trump/Pence Must Go — #OUTNOW!
Sarah Roark, Editorial Board @AfterDaylight
Come out Saturday or Sunday:
Atlanta: January 5 1:00 pm Ebrik Coffee Room 16 Park Place NE Atlanta Facebook event
Boston: January 5 3:00 – 5:00 pm Windsor Street Community Center, 119 Windsor Street, Cambridge
Chicago: January 4 2:00 pm About Face Theater Offices 5252 N. Broadway Chicago Facebook event
Cleveland: January 4 3:00 pm St. Paul’s Community Church 4427 Franklin Blvd Cleveland Facebook event
Houston: January 4 2:00 pm St. Stephens Community House, 1755 Sul Ross at Woodhead, Houston 77098 Facebook event
Los Angeles: January 5 2:00 – 5:00 pm Sepulveda Peace Center 3916 Sepulveda, Culver City Facebook event
New York: January 5 2:00 pm Asian American Writers Workshop 112 West 27th Street 6th floor Facebook event
Philadelphia: January 4 2:00 pm South Philadelphia Library 1700 South Broad Street Facebook event
San Francisco: January 5 3:30 – 5:30 pm First Unitarian Universalist Center, Fireside Room 1137 Franklin Street, San Francisco Facebook event