Far-left Georgia pretend governor Stacey Abrams has postured for years as the candidate who is in favor of honest dealing and election integrity, but of course, she is entirely hypocritical and self-serving, and apparently deeply corrupt: we reported ...
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Stacey Abrams Funnels MILLIONS to Campaign Chair’s Law Firm
Far-left Georgia pretend governor Stacey Abrams has postured for years as the candidate who is in favor of honest dealing and election integrity, but of course, she is entirely hypocritical and self-serving, and apparently deeply corrupt: we ...

Tired: Iowa Dem Congresswoman calls GOP challenger ‘racist’ for wanting to secure the border
Cindy Axne is just the kind of political hack that the Democrats love to have in Washington. She faithfully parrots their party line, no matter how insane and America-Last it is, and can be counted on not to think too much, which might lead to her ...

Poll Shows Most Americans, Including Even Some Democrats, Think Trans Madness Has Gone Too Far
Here yet again we see how far the insane far-left agenda of the Democrats really is from the genuine concerns and actual perspective of the American people. The American people, or at least the ones who still have a healthy sense of reality, are ...

Western Pennsylvania Voters Refuse to Fall for MSNBC’s Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Lies
MSNBC wasnt ready for Western PA pic.twitter.com/xzkyy0Bx7N

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 24, 2022

The MSNBC “journalist” pulls out all the stops, throwing at these people every lie, every half-truth, every distortion ...

Biden Regime Spends Large Sum Of Taxpayer Money Hosting Drag Shows In Ecuador
We've become a really disgusting influence on the world under Democrat rule. Once a force for good, other countries must save themselves from WOKE America.

We should be exporting political freedom not this.

The State Department says 'the ...

Fetterman Campaign Concedes Before Tonight’s Debate That Their Incoherent Candidate Will Lose It
The real question of the John Fetterman campaign that no one is asking is this: why is the left even running this inarticulate fool. Is there no other leftist in all of Pennsylvania who can front for the left's toxic brew of socialism, ...

NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights
Finally. Justice!

NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes:“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or ...

Confused Biden calls VP Kamala Harris a ‘great president’ during White House event
This is just the latest occasion on which Biden has referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “president.” And of course, those are just a handful of the daily misstatements and gaffes that this aged dementia sufferer makes. It's quite clear ...

Rubio Campaign Canvasser Seriously Injured After Violent Attack For Wearing DeSantis Hat, Rubio Shirt, Campaign Says
Disgusting. Where is the backlash from the MSM? And where is the statement of condemnation from Senator Rubio's opponent Val Demings? The attackers told the Rubio canvasser that “Republicans weren't allowed” in their neighborhood. Rubio's ...

Nation’s Education Report Card reveals Democrats have ‘wiped out three decades of gains’
The Democrats have destroyed EVERYTHING. In education they have replaced teaching with sexualizing the children and race hustling indoctrination.

Nation’s Education Report Card reveals U.S. has ‘wiped out three decades of gains’

By: ...

Vote-by-Mail Turnout Foreshadows 2020 Sequel
It begins….again.

Nationwide early voting and vote-by-mail turnout trends for the 2022 midterm election reflect a pattern similar to that of the pandemic-skewered 2020 election.it may take several days after polls close on Nov. 8 for results ...

McConnell-aligned super PAC pulls $5M from New Hampshire Senate race
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is sabotaging pro-Trump Republicans in critical senate races. Don Bolduc can win, but he is being massively outraised by Maggie Hassan. As the race tightens the anti-Trump McConnell aligned super Pac pulls ...
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