10,000 Stories

This is Sheila. She lives in a small town in North Carolina. Today, with the help of our North Carolina field staffer, Kristal, Sheila received our 10,000th ID. This ID is actually pretty special, it's a driver's license with commercial driving privileges. Like many of our clients, Sheila needed a commercial driver's license to secure a job, in this case, a job as a teaching assistant who has to drive a school bus. She was going to lose this new opportunity without it. Today, Sheila got her CDL, and we got our 10,000th story. 

I could not be more thrilled or more proud of our incredible staff, volunteers, and partners, but I am going to go against type and not writing a long letter because we have exactly two weeks until Election Day and we can't stop now to celebrate. So I'll take a deep breath, say a big thank you to everyone reading this, and get back to work. 

On to the next 10,000.


Help us get our next 10,000 IDs
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