Firearms hunting season for deer is finally within sight
 Photo credit: Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Maine's firearms hunting season starts Saturday, October 29 for Maine residents (Monday, October 31 for non residents)?
Hopefully you are already making final preparations for one of Maine's most anticipated seasons, but if not, there's still time. Maine's deer hunt offers exciting opportunities from start to finish! Sight in your rifle, scent proof your clothes, do some last minute scouting, and remember, safety first!?
Here are a few safety reminders:
- Always treat every firearm as if it is loaded
- Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times
- Always carry your firearm in a safe manner
- Be sure of your target and beyond
- Always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return
- Always have a survival kit and compass, even the most experienced outdoors people can get turned around in the dark
Always be a good land user.?Always ask permission before hunting on private property and learn what matters most to the landowner. Keep it clean, legal, and respectful. Don't forget to label all tree stands and game cameras with your contact information, and ask for permission before putting them on private property (game cameras require written permission).?It is up to us, today's hunters, to help maintain access for generations to come.
Managing Buck Age Structure
Our goal when managing a popular game species is to provide opportunity while ensuring that the population remains healthy, making sure that hunters will always have an opportunity to pursue their passion in Maine. When it comes to deer, we want all hunters to be able to choose to take the deer that best fits their hunting values and the hunting experience that they are looking for; we don?t want to restrict someone?s ability to take the buck they want.?We do recognize that a number of Maine?s deer hunters want to see more older bucks, so if you?re a hunter interested in seeing more older bucks in your area, consider letting a young buck walk this year.
 A lot of antler growth happens between a buck?s yearling and 2nd seasons. By 2 ?, a buck?s rack has added a lot of mass and begins to resemble its peak form. Photo credit: National Deer Association
Permits are still available for purchase in?WMDs 22, 24, 25, and 29 As of October 23 there are still antlerless deer permits available for purchase in WMDs 22, 24, 25, and 29. If you have not already purchased an antlerless deer permit, you may do so online at
Hunters who were issued a permit through the lottery may purchase a second permit.?
Have you purchased a permit through the lottery, but can't remember your permit number or information? You can look up your permit using the?Purchased Permit Lookup.
You may be able to purchase another permit in November If there are antlerless deer permits remaining after the start of the firearms season, hunters may purchase one additional permit. Hunters will be notified of the opportunity on the MDIFW website in early November.