From Haley Stevens <[email protected]>
Subject I know it’s a lot...
Date October 25, 2022 6:02 PM
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Hey folks,

I know my team and I have been sending you a lot of emails lately. I hope you don’t take them as an annoyance, but rather an indication of just how important this race is.

Republicans only have to flip a handful of House seats to retake the majority – and if MI-11 is one of them, our Democratic majority is almost certain to fall too. Will you chip in $20 to help me reach voters across the district and keep MI-11 blue?

Chip in $20 >> [link removed]

Other Amount >> [link removed]

I really can’t exaggerate how close these midterms will be, folks. And with so much on the line, we can’t afford to come up short.

If Republicans retake control of the House, there will be nothing to stop Republicans from stonewalling every part of President Biden’s agenda. That’s why I’m working night and day to win this race and support Democrats up and down the ballot in Michigan.

But we can’t win just by ourselves. In order to win this race, we need this grassroots movement more than ever before. Will you chip in $20 to ensure we can defeat the GOP once again?

Chip in >> [link removed]

– Haley

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States
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