From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: Is Germany ready to lead?
Date October 25, 2022 5:16 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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NEW: Is Germany ready to lead?
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of PPI
For The Hill ([link removed])

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Maybe Europeans are not from Venus after all. In a rare display of unity and resolve, they are pouring advanced weapons into Ukraine, expanding NATO, kicking their addiction to Russian gas and tightening the economic squeeze on Moscow.

With the reprehensible exception of Viktor Orban’s Hungary, our European allies seem determined to thwart Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutish attempt to dismember Ukraine if not erase it from the map altogether. To the surprise of many Americans, the creaky old transatlantic alliance is beginning to look like a strategic asset again.

Sweden and Finland, strictly neutral during the Cold War, are joining NATO. That’s confronted Putin with a new, 800-mile northern border with the defensive alliance he loathes and falsely claims poses an offensive threat to Russia.

But the most consequential shift in Europe’s dovish zeitgeist has occurred in Germany. Stung to action by Putin’s second invasion of Ukraine in February, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a “Zeitenwende” – turning point – in the quasi-pacifist drift of Germany’s post-Cold War diplomacy. Instead of the usual humanitarian aid, he promised to send Kiev weapons for self-defense and to boost Germany’s military spending by $100 billion a year.
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New government report underscores secret of charter schools’ success
By Tressa Pankovits
Co-Director of Reinventing America's Schools
For The Hill ([link removed])

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It makes good sense for the federal government to provide grants to high-quality public charter schools seeking to open or expand. That’s the gist of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released this week.

A GAO analysis of U.S. Department of Education (ED) charter school grants from 2006 to 2020 found that while few charter schools close overall, charter schools that received federal Charter School Program (CSP) awards were more likely to succeed than similarly situated charter schools that did not receive an award. Regardless of a school’s grade level, locale or student body racial, ethnic and poverty percentages, CSP schools are one-and-a-half times more likely to remain in operation five years after opening. The GAO concluded that, even after 12 years, the pattern of CSP-seeded schools remaining open and educating students generally held.

President Clinton in 1994 used his bully pulpit to convince Congress to pass the CSP. ED has since awarded billions in competitive grants to help applicants open new charter schools or replicate and expand high-quality charter schools. As the only source of federal funds available to public charters, the CSP is critically important. While taxes generally underwrite traditional school construction, charters must supply their own facilities. Without CSP grants, nearly a generation of kids wouldn’t have benefitted from thousands of tuition-free, locally accountable school options.
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** New From the Experts
Delayed methane rule rams into rising gasoline prices, ft. Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor
⮕ ([link removed]) E&E News ([link removed])

US can improve energy security and climate together, ft. Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor
⮕ The Hill ([link removed])

Lagging Transmission Permits Imperil U.S. Climate Targets, ft. Progressive Policy Institute
⮕ T ([link removed]) he Energy Mix ([link removed])

Replay: School Leaders Debate How Education Politics Will Shape ‘22 Midterms ft. Curtis Valentine, Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools
⮕ The 74 ([link removed])

** ICYMI: PPI Polling Shows Midterm Voters Worry About Inflation, Support for Anti-Tech Antitrust Bills Could Cost Support

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The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) recently commissioned a national survey by IMPACT Research of midterm voters’ attitudes on competition issues across a variety of industries. The survey found that inflation is top of mind for likely 2022 voters, not competition in the technology industry. The voters polled prefer legislative actions focused on personal privacy and national cybersecurity, not antitrust issues.

According to IMPACT Research’s findings, supporting drastic legislation like the anti-tech antitrust bill pushed by Senators Klobuchar and Grassley is more likely to harm congressional candidates than help them. Voters are more inclined to vote for candidates focused on kitchen-table issues like inflation, protecting Medicare and Social security, cutting taxes on the middle class, and lowering health care costs.

Read more of the exclusive polling here ([link removed]) .
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RAS Reports: Democrats Stand Up for Charter Schools

On this episode of RAS Reports, Tressa Pankovits, Co-Director of the Reinventing America's Schools Project sits down with New Mexico State Senator Siah Correa Hemphill and Representative Joy Garratt to talk about a bill they successfully sponsored and passed into law this legislative session.
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The Truth about Food Trucks ft. Kyle Sweetland

Who's trying to shut down your taco trucks? Kyle Sweetland joins the podcast to discuss the regulation of food trucks and his recent report "Food Truck Truth". We talk about the history of food trucks, whether or not food trucks harm brick and mortar restaurants, and what many cities are doing to try to shut down and stop food trucks.

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