Pekau For Congress

It just got worse. First, Nancy Pelosi goes all in for Sean Casten. Now, the National Education Association (NEA) has thrown their full support and endorsement behind him and that comes with big dollars for his campaign.
Sean Casten has the full support of some of the most powerful special interests and political elites in Washington.

But this race is still winnable because I have you! I know you have not forgotten what the NEA has done to our children across the country. We have the opportunity to stop them, but we have to act now.

The NEA wanted to keep your kids out of schools until they said so…now they want Sean Casten back in Washington. Fight back!
The NEA is responsible for unprecedented K-12 learning loss in every corner of this state…now they have endorsed my opponent. Fight back!
The NEA considers parents who attend school board meetings domestic terrorists…now they are fighting for Sean Casten. Fight back!
The NEA wants the government to decide whether or not your kids get vaccinated…Sean Casten has their full support. Fight back!
The organization that demanded you be forced to put a mask on your healthy kids if you wanted them to attend school has endorsed Sean Casten. Fight back!
The organization with an agenda that advances the worst ideas that we have seen in public education - Common Core, SEL, Race-Based Grading, Comprehensive Sex Ed and CRT - is all in on Casten. Fight back!
The organization that wants to stop teachers from telling parents if their student is struggling with their gender identity is behind Sean Casten. Fight back!
DONATE $1,000
The organization that waged war on the effort to give teachers a choice (Janus v. AFSCME) regarding their membership is now going into battle with Sean Casten. Fight back!
DONATE $2,500
The organization that spends a fraction of its money representing members and more than double that amount on political activities is pouring that political money into Sean Casten. Fight back!
Sean Casten and the NEA think they should regulate every aspect of your life - including how you raise your own children and how you spend your own money.  

If we don’t stop them, Sean Casten and the NEA will continue to hurt our kids and harden the divide between educators and parents. 

Let’s fight back today!

Keith Pekau
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