John, checking back in with an update from Team Scanlon. We’ve had dozens of supporters step up since we last wrote, but we’re still $4,260 short of our EOQ fundraising goal.
Putting up a strong number at the last FEC deadline of the year will send a powerful message that people across PA-05 have Mary Gay’s back. She’s been on the frontlines fighting for our families and accountability in our government -- and we cannot afford to lose her voice in Congress with so much on the line.
The Trump campaign will spend millions to win Pennsylvania in 2020 -- and it’s up to us to do everything we can to keep Mary Gay in Washington.
With healthcare, common sense gun safety measures, and so much more on the line, we’re counting on you to give $25 or any amount you can today.
Will you pitch in to help us stop Trump, take on the NRA, and keep PA-05 blue by donating at the link?
Thank YOU!!
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States