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Dear Friends,
As we look back on the past year, we are filled with joy thinking about all of the friends who joined with us in this important work. Thank you for partnering with us to make freedom possible. Because of you, we experienced unprecedented growth in both Belize and Uganda. We want to share our excitement with you, so we've rounded up our favorite moments from this year:
  1. Underage victims in Uganda were rescued as a result of a partnership between the Ugandan government and the Institute. The accused perpetrator is pending trial.
  2. In November, experienced human trafficking prosecutor Tyler Dunman joined the Institute as Special Counsel in Uganda, fulfilling one of the strategic components of our model to get to the root of the problem.
  3. Belize improved its ranking on the U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons Report.
  4. Working closely with the Human Trafficking Institute, the Ugandan government created a new specialized Human Trafficking Department within the Ugandan police force. This new department has 250+ dedicated staff. 
  5. ​In both Belize and Uganda, cases continue to make their way through the pipeline, revealing the impact and necessity of the Institute's model.
  6. The Belize Police Department's Specialized Human Trafficking Unit is now able to execute investigations, raids, and arrests with the help of a new, all-terrain vehicle!
  7. Additionally, the specialized human trafficking unit in Belize moved into a new, undisclosed office space, where they are able to meet with witnesses and plan investigative efforts. 
  8. Institute staff traveled to Uganda to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the country's Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act. 
  9. The Institute celebrated its second class of Douglass Fellows with a dinner at Lincoln's Cottage in May, and welcomed its third in September.
  10. The Institute published its second Federal Human Trafficking Report, which continues to be cited by various news outlets across the nation, including the New York Times.
​Our model is not short-sighted and we press on in great hope at the transformation taking place as our partner countries dedicate themselves to the advancement of freedom within their borders.  It is a privilege to partner with you in the fight against slavery, and we are grateful to celebrate our progress with you. 
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The Human Trafficking Institute
2701 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 405
Fairfax, VA 22031