The closer we get to election day, the easier it is to lose sight of the big picture. The media and individual campaigns focus on the news of the moment and the latest polls.
But our votes are about a lot more than just us — they are about our future. This election is about OUR KIDS!
The woke elites at the Centers for Disease Control made this clear once again. They just added Covid-19 vaccines to the federal government’s recommended immunization schedule.
What does this mean? It means states across the country will start requiring Covid shots for students to attend school. The same public health agencies who botched America’s Covid response and who cost American children two years of learning loss are back to do even more damage.
Help us say No! to more Covid mandates by electing principled fighters to the Senate today!
Conservative Senators Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and others have been fighting for years now to hold Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and the National Institutes of Health accountable for their lies and mistakes. The Truth is damning:
▶︎ Schools never should have closed.
▶︎ The Covid vaccines were never tested to halt transmission.
▶︎ All evidence now points to Covid-19 being manufactured by Fauci-funded lab research in China.
▶︎ Federal scientists were paid royalties by Covid vaccine manufacturers, in a clear conflict of interest.
Federal agencies, corporate elites, and the woke media have tried to cover up all of the above. They are using all their power to hide their lies and hurt us and our children.
Stop the woke fascists and help save our kids!
The only power patriots have to fight back is our votes and our voices. Senate Conservative Action is combining both to win back the United States Senate for the people, the Constitution, and the Truth.
Only a principled, fighting, conservative Senate will finally hold the Deep State, Woke Capital, and Covid Fascists to account. If returning Senators like Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and Mike Lee can be joined by conservative heroes like Ted Budd, Herschel Walker, Adam Laxalt, and Eric Schmitt, we will have a growing voice for freedom in the establishment-controlled Senate.
Shake up the Senate in November. Donate now!
Our candidates will fight to:
▶︎ Defund the vaccine mandates;
▶︎ Subpoena the NIH, CDC, and Fauci to uncover the truth about Covid-19; and,
▶︎ Protect our kids from woke fanatics.
These conservative heroes are ready to fight for us, and we are fighting for them. But we can’t do it without you.
Join us in this fight today!
Thank you for considering this request and for doing so much to help fight for America's future.

Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Action
@MaryVought / @SCF