American Crusades & the Supreme Court
Episode 131: Uploaded October 23 Sam Goldman interviews Andrew Seidel, a constitutional and civil rights
attorney and the author of two books: The Founding Myth: Why Christian
Nationalism Is Un-American and American Crusade: How the Supreme Court
is Weaponizing Religious Freedom. Andrew is the VP of Strategic Communications at Americans United for
Separation of Church and State, the largest organization fighting for
that founding principle, a Senior Correspondent at Religion Dispatches, a prolific author of opeds and scholarly articles. He organized and contributed to the groundbreaking report “Christian Nationalism at the January 6, 2021, Insurrection.”

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Andrew Seidel:
There is a well funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that is working to weaponize the First Amendment. Together with the conservative justices on the Supreme Court, they've been waging a crusade to weaponize religious freedom, seeking to turn that protection of religious freedom that's enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of supremacy and privilege for the few. They're setting out to make America a Christian nation and warping religious freedom as an attempt to bring us all under their yoke...I have hope that we will win in the end because they are fighting only for themselves and where they are selfish, we are selfless.
Sam Goldman:
The fascist GOP is tearing up the rules, ripping the country apart gleefully trampling over people's rights and any pretense of democracy for all. The fascist party is telling you that if they lose the next election, they will not fail at having Republican legislators decide the election instead, and if that doesn't work, they'll take it by force.
Unjust laws should not be accepted, they should be defied, they should be fought. It's on us to refuse counsel to lay our rights down to, yes, refuse the concept of painless progress, and to most essentially, refuse fascism.
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Chris commented a couple weeks back about Episode 92, Coco Das's interview with Thomas Zimmer, commenting: "This is definitely my favorite guest on the podcast. I would love to see another interview with him." Well, Chris, so would we. We're working on it. Stay tuned, we should have him back on in the next few weeks.
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