Our party's chair is speaking the truth

John, CT Dems Chair Nancy Wyman is speaking the truth — when Democrats get their message out, Democrats win. That is why Democrats are raising money to get their message out before the start of 2020. We’re only $11,123 away.

Chip in before midnight on December 31st to set Democrats up to win in 2020→

Begin Original Message:

Hi John, as Chair of the Connecticut Democratic Party, I fully understand the importance of going into an election year strong.

Right now, Republicans have a clear advantage in fundraising. Last quarter, Trump and the Republican National Committee raised $125 million.

Unfortunately, the Democratic National Committee only raised $23 million.

Reaching this end-of-year goal will help set us up for success in 2020 and give Connecticut Democrats the help we need to ensure Democrats win across the country in 2020. Can you chip in now to help us reach this critical goal? We are only $13,542 away!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

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John, last year, Connecticut elected a Democratic majority in both the state House and Senate as well as a Democratic governor because Democrats like you donated and turned out to vote in record numbers.

When Democrats get their message out, Democrats win.

Donate what you can now, and your contribution will go directly toward setting us up for success in 2020.


Thank you for your support.

Nancy Wyman
Connecticut Democratic Party Chair