I am thrilled and sincerely honored to have the support of my dear friend and University of Georgia legend, Coach Vince Dooley.
We are getting ready to launch a new ad featuring Coach Dooley, so I wanted you to be among the first to see it.
When I played on the national championship football team for the Bulldogs, Coach had a motto: BIG TEAM, little me. Success for the TEAM means success for ALL.
Our goal is to make sure this ad airs across Georgia in the final two weeks of the campaign, but right now we don't have the funds to run it everywhere.
Remember, John, it costs up to $2 million to run ads in Georgia for just one week. That seems like a lot of money – because it is, but I know that we can fully fund our advertising campaign if every person reading this email chips in just $5 or even $34.
We want this video to be one of the final ads voters see before casting their ballots, especially as the Left spends millions in false attacks against me.
It's important that Georgians hear from the people who know me best – like Coach Dooley.
Please, John, help us get this ad on the air and fully fund it so every Georgia voter sees it!
 Herschel Walker
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