Hi John,
Meet Tedros Kesete, a data collector in Ethiopia. In recent coverage of IPA on PBS NewsHour, Tedros talks about collecting data over several years for a six-country study, conducted by IPA and affiliated researchers, on the Graduation Approach, a “big push” program pioneered by the organization BRAC.
The program addresses the multifaceted problems facing people living under $1.90 per day—the “ultra poor”—by providing families with a package of support, including a productive asset, training in how to ensure the asset offers sustainable income, consumption support, a savings account, and access to healthcare.
Thanks to Tedros’s team (and to many others around the world), as well as the thousands of people who offered their time to be surveyed, we were able to learn that the program caused broad and lasting reductions in poverty. The proven success of the approach spurred governments and development agencies to expand the Graduation approach to benefit millions of people around the world. Learn more here.
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