From Susan Sayers, Ceres <>
Subject 24 hours left—all gifts matched—time is short →
Date December 30, 2019 2:30 PM
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24 hours left:
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2x-gifts expire midnight tomorrow

((Your support is urgently needed) )

John: This MATCH ends midnight tomorrow, and without your support, we&rsquo;re at real risk of falling short.

So much hangs in the balance, and we must make the most of this rare year-end offer. Our work, our mission, and our future depends on it.

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If you’ve been waiting to make your FIRST gift to Ceres, please know there is no better time to invest in our mission than NOW. Make your tax-deductible gift immediately and it will be MATCHED, 100%.

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The stakes are so very high for our planet.

Greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 1.5% with every passing year&mdash;if we don&rsquo;t reverse this trend now, we&rsquo;ll soon see the most dangerous effects of climate change.

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We’re counting on your first-time support to expand key programs in 2020 to curb the climate crisis -- please, think about everything at stake.
Just consider some of the vital Ceres programs that fight for clean air, freshwater, and a safe climate ...

&hellip; The Ceres Accelerator, which approaches capital market influencers with a strong, profit-driven case for large-scale, sustainable action.

&hellip; Commit to Climate, which helps powerful companies switch to renewable energy, deploy electric vehicles, and more, all with an eye to the climate&mdash;and their bottom line.

&hellip; Feeding Ourselves Thirsty, which engages agricultural companies to slash tremendous water waste and pollution&mdash;helping them cut costs and protect our planet.

YOU are the engine that drives this work into 2020. You. And without your support, this progress is at risk.

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>">Don&rsquo;t wait another moment: Make your year-end donation by tomorrow&rsquo;s deadline, while all gifts are still DOUBLED >>
And thank you, for your urgent attention. Together, I know we can make a difference.

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Susan Sayers

Chief Development Officer


P.S. As Ceres&rsquo; Chief Development Officer, it&rsquo;s my job to ensure the team has the resources they need to do their work and change the world. I see every day the very real impact YOUR generosity has for the climate and for our future, so I must ask, while all gifts are doubled. Please.
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>">Make your tax-deductible, MATCHED gift before tomorrow&rsquo;s midnight deadline >>

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Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy.

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