The Democrats' full blown invasion. And they are putting them up in hotels. They're building cities for them. No one in their right mind would vote for these terrorists.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Record 2.4 million Migrants Illegally Crossed Border in FY2022, Almost 4 Million total Under Biden
The Democrats' full blown invasion.

And they are putting them up in hotels. They're building cities for them.

These things don't just happen. They are made to happen.

No one in their right mind would vote for these terrorists.

In ...

Climate Terrorists Throw Mashed Potatoes on Monet Painting
These neanderthals have no right to destroy one human thought.

Hatred of the good for being the good.

We make this #Monet the stage and the public the audience.

If it takes a painting – with #MashedPotatoes or #TomatoSoup thrown at it ...

Iran Freedom Demo Draws Over 100,000 + in Berlin
Where is the American press on this development? Nowhere to be found. Instead, they shield the Biden Administration from criticism, over their desire to give Iran the ability to build nukes, finance even more terrorism, and subjugate it's citizens ...

HOCHUL’S CRIME HORROR: New York Police Search for Violent Criminal Who Pushed Random Passenger Onto Tracks
Does one have to be a Conservative to vote against this horror? How can any rational citizen of the State of New York (regardless of party affiliation) cast a vote in support of Governor Hochul? Hochul will take no action to stop the violent crime ...

US Has ONLY 25 DAYS OF DIESEL SUPPLY; Shortage Could Cripple Economy
This is intentional. The Democrats are on a rampage to destroy America.

Diesel fuel shortages will disrupt the entire US transportation supply chain. Not only do the trucks run on diesel but so do trains. Airports get their jet fuel by trucks. ...

Pelosi Crows: “When People Talk About Inflation…Change That Subject!”
Fully knowing the Democrat party of treason has the enemedia completely on side, the Democrat Speaker of of the House, Nancy Pelosi, gave the Politburo their marching orders; when confronted with the daily horrors Americans face “change that ...

NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT Supports Bill That Would Sanction Iran’s Leaders for Human Rights Crimes
Just appalling. The Democrat party is the gravest threat to our nation, individual rights and liberty. At a time when Iranians are fighting and dying to be free from the Ayatollah Khamenei’s murderous, inhuman Islamic regime, the Democrats ...

The DOJ Is Hiding Information About Biden’s Attempts To Interfere In U.S. Elections
The more they are exposed, the more brazen, out of control and  desperate the Democrats become. They are dangerous and unhinged and WE are in their cross-hairs.

The DOJ is hiding records about Biden’s order telling federal agencies to ...

Trump Drives Crowd Wild: ‘I Will Probably Have to Do It Again’
President Trump is running for POUTS in 2024. And he is going to win. Expect an announcement sometime after the mid-term elections. #Trump2024!

President Donald J. Trump: "In order to make our Country successful, safe, and glorious again, I ...

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