Hi -- We wanted to make sure you didn't miss this email we sent last week. -- The Demand Progress team Hi, The Washington Post is reporting that Comcast has been waging an “absolutely unprecedented” lobbying blitz to stop net neutrality by blocking confirmation of President Biden’s nominee for FCC chair. The campaign against Gigi Sohn has become viciously personal and has even opened her up to attacks about her sexual orientation and threatening phone calls and emails.1 And now, with just weeks before the midterm elections and the end of the Senate session looming, we’re running out of time to secure Gigi Sohn’s confirmation. Without net neutrality, the monopolies that control our internet access can throttle data speed, block services they don’t like, and jack up your internet bill with phony fees.2 That’s why Comcast is hellbent on stopping Gigi Sohn.
When President Biden defeated Donald Trump, Trump’s FCC chairman and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai resigned. It should have been only a matter of time before Pai was replaced by a Biden nominee and net neutrality was restored. But then Comcast, Fox News, and an army of lobbyists went to work smearing President Biden’s nominee, Gigi Sohn, using an enormous war chest to lobby against her. Just since the start of 2022, Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, and T-Mobile together have spent over $28 million combined lobbying Washington, with Comcast leading the pack at $7.36 million. The major trade groups representing the wireless and cable industries have spent another $13 million.3 In the words of one net neutrality advocate, “It’s insane.”4 As long as the tie-breaking fifth seat on the FCC remains open, the commission is deadlocked 2-2 and unable to move forward on major policy decisions like net neutrality. The Washington Post quoted Demand Progress founder David Segal reminding readers that the telecommunications industry “still wields extraordinary political power” in Washington, and that they “stand to benefit from a Sohn-less FCC.” That’s why we’re mobilizing massive grassroots pressure alongside nearly 250 other organizations that have demanded that the Senate vote to confirm Gigi Sohn before the end of this Senate session. With gratitude for all you do, Sources: ![]() PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on Facebook or Twitter. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. |