Tomorrow at midnight, 2019 will come to a close. And throughout this entire year, EPI has worked tirelessly to hold the Trump administration accountable for its repeated attacks on working families.
EPI’s team fought back against rule changes at the National Labor Relations Board and Department of Labor that intentionally limit our ability to come together in union to negotiate fair pay and benefits. And we rallied our allies across the country to fight the relentless attacks at the federal and state levels on critical programs for working families Together we’re demanding a progressive economic policy agenda that lifts up all working people.
Donald Trump’s agenda has consistently put the priorities of big business ahead of working people. Whether it’s skyrocketing CEO pay while workers’ wages remain flat, attacks on our earned Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits, or Trump’s tax cuts for the rich and corporations—we’re fighting back!
Will you make an urgent end-of-year donation to EPI today to fight Donald Trump’s attacks on working people and advance our progressive economic policy agenda in 2020?
In 2019, EPI’s work was critical in passing the Raise the Wage Act in the U.S. House, which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour—providing an additional $118 billion in wages for our country’s lower-paid workers.
Together, we worked to protect workers from forced arbitration, close the teacher pay gap, protect the rights of public and private sector workers to come together to form a union, and more.
There is no shortage of major policies battles that await us in the new year. As Congress returns from their holiday recess, we must advance our progressive economic agenda and fight for the economic needs of working families.
Please make your end-of-year contribution today to power our movement for progressive economic change!
Your donation supports EPI’s wide-ranging agenda: restoring worker power, promoting good jobs with benefits, eliminating economic disparities rooted in racism and sexism, ensuring that immigrant workers and guest workers have labor rights and a path to citizenship, protecting and expanding social insurance programs like Social Security, and ensuring access to quality affordable healthcare.
Donate today. Make an end-of-year donation to EPI to support our progressive economic agenda!
EPI is leading the charge to deploy macroeconomic policy to promote full employment, reform the tax code to promote shared prosperity, fight for sensible trade policies that support economic growth and labor standards, make world class investments in public infrastructure and our public education system, preserve and strengthen regulatory safeguards that protect households from predatory and reckless behavior, and address global climate change through economic policy.
None of EPI’s groundbreaking reports and leadership on a wide-range of progressive economic issues happen in a vacuum. EPI’s success is only possible because of your efforts and support.
You are a critical part of this powerful national coalition.
Your support—through activism and donations—is the engine that powers EPI. Thanks to you, we’re providing activists, elected officials, and movement leaders with the research and data to fight for a $15 minimum wage, a ten percent surtax on the incomes of the super rich, fair overtime reforms, paid family and medical leave, universal pre-K, and stronger rights and wages of all working people.
Make your end-of-year donation today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change.
Thank you for your continued support,
John Schmitt
Vice President, EPI