Friend, I want to share a shocking fact with you.
Despite months of non-stop coverage and controversy -- many of our fellow Americans simply ARE NOT AWARE of what Special Counsel Robert Mueller uncovered about Donald Trump!
It’s understandable why. To date, everything that the public has heard about the Mueller Report from President Trump and his administration has been spin, a deliberate distortion, or an outright lie. And sadly, we can’t count on 24-hour cable news to cut through the noise either.
We’re working to get the REAL story out, so every American knows just how serious Russia’s meddling in our elections -- and the Trump team’s efforts to cover it up -- really was.
So we mailed 550,000 copies of the Mueller Report Executive Summaries to Americans nationwide who may not know the whole truth about Special Counsel Mueller’s findings.
We focused on Fox News viewers and people who hadn’t heard of Common Cause -- reaching beyond the choir to make sure everyone has the facts. And the feedback we’ve received has been nothing short of phenomenal.
Many voters are shocked to learn that the Mueller Report describes any wrongdoing by the president whatsoever, thanks to his administration’s constant distortion. Republican Michigan resident Cathy Garnaat told NBC News she was “surprised to hear there was anything negative in the Mueller Report at all about President Trump.” [1]
But once people read the report for themselves, they’re shocked by what they learn...
Like that despite President Trump’s claims, Russian operatives DID interfere with our elections in 2016 -- and Trump, his family, and many of his campaign staff welcomed their meddling.
Or that Mueller found 10 “episodes” of obstruction of justice by Trump and his staff -- on top of the 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, and 5 prison sentences that came from the investigation.
And now, we’ve learned a crucial fact -- when we get the word out about what Mueller uncovered, people’s minds change. So as Congress conducts its impeachment proceedings, we must invest heavily in our public education efforts.
Friend, the facts are on our side and the law is on our side. If you’re willing to chip in and fuel this fight to get the truth out, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish.
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Here at Common Cause, we believe that EVERY American has a right to the truth.
That’s why we mobilized tens of thousands of our members to urge Congress to open an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. And it’s why we’re pressuring our representatives to make sure the impeachment proceedings are deliberate and transparent.
Together, we can make a major difference for our democracy.
Thanks for all you do,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause