Hello John

Thank you for being a supporter of Child Poverty Action Group. Since 1965 we have been the leading voice on child poverty in the UK. We were instrumental in securing the Child Benefit Act in the 1970s. As part of the End Child Poverty coalition we successfully campaigned for the 2010 Child Poverty Act. And in 2016 we won our ‘bedroom tax’ case at the Supreme Court – the highest court in the UK found the policy discriminated against disabled children requiring overnight care. But having steadily fallen at the start of this century, child poverty is now rising again, and we need your support to reverse this harmful trend.  

Poverty damages childhoods, and affects children well into adulthood. We research and promote action that will prevent and end child poverty in the UK. If politicians take the right action to address the causes of child poverty – action on work, childcare and the social security system amongst other things – no child need grow up experiencing hardship. 

Find out more in our poverty: the facts summary

Your voice helps us prevent and end child poverty in the UK for good. Thank you for your support.

Best wishes



Lizzie Flew
Senior communications and campaigns officer


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Child Poverty Action Group is a charity registered in England and Wales (registration number 294841) and in Scotland (registration number SC039339). Company limited by guarantee registered in England (registration number 1993854). Registered office: 30 Micawber Street, London, N1 7TB. VAT no. 690 8081 17