Take Action in DC Tomorrow!

Tell Biden to Protect the Gulf, Declare a Climate Emergency

Dear John,

With the climate crisis on full blast, we are joining our partners from Rise St. James tomorrow in Washington, D.C. to demand that President Biden protect residents of Cancer Alley and Gulf Coast communities from fossil fuel pollution and declare a climate emergency.

What: Traditional Louisiana funeral procession to the White House

When: Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 11 a.m.

Where: Meet at Freedom Plaza 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC

Why: To honor Gulf Coast community leaders who’ve died from the toxic chemicals spewed by the fossil fuel industry and demand that President Biden meet personally with leaders from St. James, including Sharon Lavigne.

Join the procession with Rise St. James tomorrow. 


When we come together, we win. After years of community pressure, Rise St. James and partners scored a key victory to fend off the mega-polluting Formosa Plastics facility in St. James Parish, Louisiana. The facility would have emitted more than 800 tons of toxic pollution into the air, harming the health of St. James’ predominantly Black residents in a region already known as “Cancer Alley” because of the many polluting facilities.

Now community leaders from St. James and across the Gulf are asking President Biden to stop approving all dirty energy projects and declare a climate emergency to protect communities in St. James, the Gulf, and everywhere.  

Please join us tomorrow for this important event.

Hope to see you there,

Kaitlyn Joshua

Louisiana Gulf Coast Campaigner, Earthworks


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