Our climate is in crisis, John – and we know exactly who’s to blame: fossil fuel corporations and lobbyists with big money behind them.
The only way we can protect our planet from imminent destruction is if we stand up and stop them. That’s exactly what we do at Chesapeake Climate Action Network. We’re fighting for clean energy solutions in the nation’s capital – because when we demand local action in our lawmakers’ backyards, it can change the future of our entire country.
And we need your help to do it. We need to raise another $22,834 before the year ends to make sure we’re ready to take on the climate emergency in 2020 – but we’re falling short, and running out of time to meet our goal.
The latest reports from the United Nations say that we only have about 11 years to take action to stop catastrophic climate change. That means what we do in the year ahead – 2020 – could mean the difference between a clean energy future and irreversible damage to our planet.
Our window of opportunity to act is closing. It has never been more important that we hit every single fundraising goal so we have the resources to keep fighting back against greedy climate change deniers. But we’re still short of our year-end goal – will you make your tax-deductible gift ASAP to help us close the gap?
Donate now to help us fight back against
fossil fuel corporations and big money lobbyists in 2020!
Mike Tidwell
Founder & Director
Chesapeake Climate Action Network