Dear Friends,
With just hours before the New Year begins, I really want to thank you for your friendship and generosity, and ask you to consider a year-end gift to Identity -- which shows your belief in youth like Anderson, who thrive when given the right supports at the right time.  
Anderson's Story
Our services are free and you can be sure that any gift will directly benefit the youth and families that Identity is privileged to serve every day.  All year-end gifts will also be matched by a very generous friend of Identity. If you are moved to make a gift, you can donate online or by mail at 414 E. Diamond Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

You’ve heard me say it before: Identity programs are successfully bending the trajectory for Latino and other at-risk youth. Identity youth do better in school, overcome social and emotional challenges and are prepared for work. 

We wish you a happy and meaningful New Year and thank you again for your friendship. Your continued support means the world to a lot of young people.
Con mucha gratitud y un fuerte abrazo,

Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
Support Identity Youth
DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SUPPORT IDENTITY WHILE YOU SHOP? If you designate Identity (in Gaithersburg) as your charity of choice when you buy through, Identity receives a small portion of the proceeds of each purchase.
Copyright © 2019 Identity, All rights reserved.
We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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414 East Diamond Avenue
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877

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