
It's not easy to know who or what to vote for, especially with so many claims and promises being made to you hard and fast, filling the air with ads and flyers. 

That's why I wanted to remind you that TOMORROW, on Tuesday, October 25, from 6-8 PM, at the Shiloh Temple, I will be part of an Town Hall Meeting!

This is your chance to ask questions and meet candidates who are working hard for the opportunity to serve you and the needs in our district!

This election could not be more critical.

The future success of our state and district depends on the outcome of this election.

I want YOU to be informed about what is REALLY going on in our area, so don't miss out on this incredible event!

I would love to have the chance to talk to you, so I hope to see you there!

Together, we can give Minnesota the wake up call we've been waiting for. We can set Minnesota back on track so YOU can thrive!

Be sure to vote on November 8th! I am Cicely Davis, and I look forward to serving you as your elected representative from Congressional House District 5!

Best regards, 

- Cicely Davis


Request a yard sign and volunteer with Cicely

Send an email with your address to [email protected] to reserve your yard sign. If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected] to learn about current volunteer opportunities. 


Let's Dissolve the Divide!

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