John, Having worked closely with Keith during his 12 years in Congress and four years as Attorney General, I can tell you firsthand he has always been a tireless voice for justice and a fearless national leader on civil rights, human rights, workers' rights, consumer protection, environmental protection, and so much more.


Having worked closely with Keith during his 12 years in Congress and four years as Attorney General, I can tell you firsthand he has always been a tireless voice for justice and a fearless national leader on civil rights, human rights, workers' rights, consumer protection, environmental protection, and so much more.

Keith's GOP opponent, Jim Schultz, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He is a hedge fund lawyer who helps enrich special interests, plans to gut the Consumer Protection Division, and vowed to "go on offense" attacking reproductive freedom in Minnesota.

Schultz would be a disaster for Minnesotans. We cannot let him drag us backward. That's why I'm reaching out this morning. 

I've been in touch with Keith's campaign team, and I just got word that they're still trailing their last public reporting goal of the election by more than $35,000 heading into tonight's deadline at 11:59 pm.

That's a big problem. After midnight tonight, Keith's fundraising numbers will be made public. If he comes up short, he’ll look vulnerable, which would be devastating heading into the final days of the race.

We can't afford to lose Attorney General Ellison, John. Will you join me in rushing a donation that works for you by midnight to help them make up the difference?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Tina Smith



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States