Dear John,
There’s a war going on for the future of this nation and 2020 is going to be a battle for the ages.
Just like it often is in sports, it's going to come down to who wants it more…
The radical left is doing everything they can to silence our voice and stop us from educating the masses about the true nature of radical Islamic terrorism and open borders.
And our battle is just getting started…
The radical left has a monopoly on cable news, late-night TV, pop culture, and now, even tech companies like Paypal, Google, Facebook, and Twitter and the list goes on.
There’s almost no place left to hide from their anti-American propaganda!
Not only do these radicals flood our airwaves with lies, but now they have a goon squad named ANTIFA to flood our streets with blood and violence.
Worst of all, organizations like the HAMAS front group CAIR and their leftist enablers at the SPLC are more flush with cash than ever before!
Massive Corporations such as Apple, JPMorgan Chase, MGM Resorts, and clueless celebrities donate millions to the SPLC on a regular basis!
This allows them to unleash a tsunami of attacks against anyone that doesn’t conform to their anti-American ideology.
For every tweet for truth we post on social media, they fund thousands in attack ads against us.
For every dollar we spend to make America safer, they spend hundreds to make it more vulnerable.
A donation of just $250 will help us reach 2.3 million people on Television.
A gift of just $100 will help us reach 1.6 million people through national radio.
A $50 donation will help us to fight back against CAIR’s attacks and deception through a 24-hour supercharged social media campaign.
Even $10 or $25 adds to our critically necessary National Field Program, which is the lifeline of ACT for America!
Any amount you can contribute keeps our grassroots machine going!
The battle for the minds of young Americans is one in which our enemies are hellbent on winning.
A generation that grew up not remembering the events of September 11th, 2001.
A generation that only sees what the anti-American and anti-Israel zealots allow them to.
A generation that needs our help to save them from brainwash.
ACT for America has the numbers and the willpower to win this war for truth, but we need an extra boost to level the playing field.
Help us win this fight by clicking here now.
Together, we’re going to save our country from those who seek to destroy it.
Thank you for your patriotic generosity.
Always Devoted,
P.S. - Thanks to the support of a very generous donor, every dollar you donate from now until December 31st at 11:59 PM will be DOUBLED (up to $100,000). Don’t wait another minute, support our efforts