Looking back at our “Beyond the Headlines” videos in 2019
Ballotpedia currently has nearly 300,000 articles covering elections, officeholders, ballot measures, policy, and so much more. We produce more than a dozen newsletters—precisely for readers like yourself. But we know our readers also want to consume content in other ways, such as videos.
This year, we created a series of short videos that we called, Beyond the Headlines. Some provided insight into a current event or story—like our preview of this year’s Supreme Court term or analysis of Texas’ 2019 statewide ballot measures. Other videos provided background on broader topics such as recalls, trifectas, and veto referendums.
Over the course of 2019, 16 Ballotpedia staff members wrote or recorded these videos. I hope you enjoyed getting to know some of the amazing coworkers I get to share time with here at Ballotpedia.
When taken together, the videos add up to more than 102 minutes of content, which is the same as the films Lost in Translation, Singing in the Rain, or Casablanca. You may have already seen some of the videos figured prominently on our pages. We’ve had fun producing them, and we hope you’ve enjoyed watching and learning from them.
Here are links to three of our most popular videos in the “Beyond the Headlines” series, (including one by yours truly):
And to see all of our video content—when it’s released—subscribe to our YouTube channel by visiting the link below!