From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject [Video] Ann Coulter: "It’s stunning how many people read!"
Date December 30, 2019 1:11 AM
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! Ann Coulter: "It's stunning how many people read!"

For twenty years,, our writers, editors-and even our
readers-have experienced censorship, deplatforming and vilification
simply for our positions pushing back against Open Borders and pushing
forward for the Historic American Nation. Patriots face this kind of
pressure because the Left is absolutely terrified that if anyone hears
our arguments against mass immigration, they will agree with us. They
know the only way to keep us down is to silence us and attempt to scare
away anyone who might be curious enough to seek us out.

Our response to this is two-fold. First, we're suing the jerks
! And second, we push forward,
knowing that our readers and supporters represent the Historic American
Nation in all walks of life. We inform the fight to keep America
American. Whether it be in the living rooms of working class voters
around the country, or the intellectual pow-wows of patriotic
influencers, we're there.

Possibly our most influential reader just happens to have played a key
role in President Donald Trump's run for the White House in 2016 -

**the incomparable Ann Coulter**.

No one has had a bigger impact on politics in America than Ms. Coulter.
Writer of 11 bestselling books including the fantastic "

**Adios America**," Ann has been a one-issue voter against immigration
since 2013 and we are proud to carry our column (with our trademark,
reinforcing hyperlinks).

And guess what? Like you, she has long been a reader of, and
understands the pivotal role we play in America First journalism.

You can watch the exclusive video on our YouTube channel here.

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On the subject of's 20th Anniversary, Ann had this to say:

"I don't remember the first time I saw, but I know I had to
stop reading it when I was writing

**Adios, America**, so that I wouldn't just be ripping off!

"So it was kind of painful for like a year and a half - I could not go
to, and I'm slowly getting back in the habit. It doesn't
matter, you can be socialist, communist, feminist, environmentalist, if
you are a patriot on immigration, will have you!

"20 Years for, that's how long we've been losing. That is
so depressing. VDARE should have been a website that's created and
Americans read it and 'Oh my gosh, we've got to save our country.
Let's have an immigration moratorium!'

"Alas, that has not happened.

"Oh, that's right, because we have a lot of plutocrats who want their
cheap labor and don't care about the country. And that's why will apparently be publishing until the end of all of our

" has been saying a lot of this stuff for a long time and woke
a lot of people up and it's stunning how many people read
It was a completely respectable site until Trump got elected, suddenly
this completely legitimate website, that writes about nothing but
immigration, "it's white nationalist!"

"Why? Because it supports Trump. Because it is dangerous to give people
correct information. And as the great Peter Brimelow has said, "the
definition of a racist is a conservative winning an argument with a

When asked what advice she has for members of the Dissident Right, Ann

"You must embrace being called names. Just realize it's like a
two-year-old throwing a tantrum. They don't have a real argument. The
world has gone mad; we are not mad. You're right. Keep reading!"

While the Left provides endless amounts of treasonous activity for to report and analyze, they are far from our only enemies.'s coverage of the GOP Establishment, focusing on blunders
like Invade-The World, Invite-The-World policies, tax cuts for the rich,
and the habit of surrender on social issues, has set us apart from GOP
boosters from the beginning. The now-common moniker "Conservatism, Inc."
was first posted on in 2009. This year,'s James
Kirkpatrick released his first book with the same name.

2020 is a crucial time for patriots to wise up and see the reality of
the grifter Political Class for what it is-and will be right
there with with all the information they need.

Next year, America will face a momentous choice. The future of the White
House, the Supreme Court, the border wall, and many other issues are up
in the air-at the same time that censorship, deplatforming, financial
blacklisting and doxing all threaten we Happy Few who fight for the
future of America.

That's why robust, clear-eyed and indefatigable reporting and analysis
is critical.
Time is running out-the New Year is upon us. If you seek a tax
deduction, December 31st is the last day you can donate online to (Checks mailed to VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield CT
before the first of the year often take some time to get to our office,
but that's ok. As long as the date on the check says it was written in
2019, you're in the clear!)

With your help, we'll continue to fight for the American values we
hold dear, as the Founding Fathers intended-"for ourselves and our

Help us now!

And as always, thanks for reading.


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