Good morning, John. I hope you're enjoying the weekend.

Today, Team Asif staff and volunteers are working extremely hard – going door to door across the district to make sure our supporters have the information they need to submit their votes.

Speaking of which, you have 16 days to get your ballot filled out and mailed back. If you haven't yet, please do so today!

When I debrief with my team about what issues are coming up with voters on their doorsteps, one that always sticks out is just how extreme Young Kim's positions are on choice and reproductive rights. This is a fairly moderate district, but that hasn't stopped Kim from touting a harsh, anti-choice platform.

Young Kim and I were recently asked by the Orange County Register to submit a questionnaire outlining our positions. Keep in mind they asked for prepared responses, and Kim still doubled down on being anti-choice. She even refused to answer whether or not she supports exceptions in the instance of rape or incest.

So today, I want to be crystal clear on an issue Kim has been so dodgy about. I support reproductive freedom for all Americans. In my work as a physician, I have seen just how personal these decisions are, and I think it’s wrong that politicians would insert themselves.

Your support can still go a long way for our campaign:

- Funding postage and printing costs for last-minute mailers to undecided voters
- Expanding our TV budget to counter Young Kim's attacks against us.
- Feeding volunteers and paying for gas to help our team knock doors.

If you can, please send in a donation of $3 to power us through Election Day. Your contributions are more urgent now than at any other point in the campaign, so I hope you can chip in today.

Here’s a good link:[email protected]

Thank you for all you do,

- Asif