Dear friend of OpenSecrets,
Thank you for your enduring commitment to a transparent system of government and accountability for our representatives who serve the public.
This year we've seen the growth of disinformation and a spectacle of revelations about the exploitive behavior of those in power. Amidst all of this noise, OpenSecrets keeps crunching the data to show who’s donating the money and where it’s going. Being a nonpartisan research watchdog and nonprofit news source is no simple task. But your support and commitment to our mission to keep you informed, makes it that much easier for us to be a force multiplier, through original reporting and by serving up our research free of charge to reporters, policy advocates and citizens no matter their viewpoint.
Big money and secret donors may have friends in high places, but OpenSecrets has you. Thank you for helping us count cash and make change. If you have donated this year, I’m delighted to thank you once again. If you haven't, I encourage you to support government accountability and stand up with us for transparency.