Hey — just checking to make sure you saw my last email. Since last Sunday, we’ve raised $5,412.15! Thank you to everyone who pitched in.

Unfortunately, that means we need another $4,460.22 in grassroots contributions before the end of the year to stay on track.

That’s why I’m asking you, one of my top supporters, for the last time this year, to chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can today to our campaign to help us start 2020 off strong.

You can use this secure link right here: secure.actblue.com/donate/clarke-dec19

Thank you so much,
sent from my iPhone

----- Forwarded email ----

From: Yvette Clarke <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sub: this is concerning

Hey there — I’ve got some bad news. We’ve seen a substantial drop in donations this month and I’m worried about what that means for 2020. Take a look at this graph:

Given the extreme housing crisis we face, I refuse to take any money from corporate landlords. That way, you can rest assured knowing that I truly represent YOUR interests in Congress, instead of the interests of those who have made our community less affordable and less hospitable. I’m relying on folks like you to help lead us to victory in 2020.

The bad news is, though, that we’re in the midst of a busy holiday season -- and, with everything going on in Washington, it looks like folks have tuned out.

That’s why I’m asking for your help directly, team. We need to raise $9,872.37 from grassroots supporters like you before the end of the year if we’re going to stay on track to win reelection in 2020. Can you make a donation of just $5 right now to help us hit that goal?

CHIP IN $5 ⇨

Thank you so much for your help!

Yvette Clarke




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