The McCarty Family invites you to join them!
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Hello, True Texas family!
Several years ago, Fred, Lizzy and I started opening up our home for Thanksgiving dinner.  We knew a lot of friends with no family in the area, and we wanted to be sure they were not eating alone, so the night before Thanksgiving we had an open invitation to anyone that wanted to dine with us.  Well, that group grew larger every year, too large to fit in our house, so last year we moved to the Bessie Mitchell House at Grapevine Botanical Garden.  It's so beautiful!  And better than that, it seats 80 people.  We also brought in Tim Georgeff and Shelley Luther to lead us in a hymn sing-along.

And here we are again!  Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching!  If you are in town the night before the big feast and want to join your True Texas family for dinner and singing, please do!  It's an open invite to anyone whether you are alone or with a group.  Dine with us.  Give thanks with us.  Worship with us.  Hard to top that!

See you there,
Julie, Fred & Lizzy McCartytgive.jpg

Join the True Texas Project family for a night of sharing, friendship, thanksgiving and worship.  We'll share a meal and then worship together with a mix of hymns and contemporary songs led by Tim Georgeff and Shelley Luther.  We have much to be thankful for, and we want to share those blessings with you!  Come join us as we give thanks to God for each other, for Texas, and for the freedoms we cherish.

Wednesday, November 23
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Bessie Mitchell House/Grapevine Botanical Gardens
411 Ball Street, Grapevine TX 76051
Tickets:  $5 per person

Beef, drinks, and tableware provided by True Texas Project.  Please bring a dish to share based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-C:  Bread or Appetizer
  • D-J:  Cold side dish
  • K-R:  Hot side dish
  • S-Z:  Dessert

Tickets are $5 per person to help offset some of the expense we are incurring.  But if you're feeling especially thankful for True Texas Project, feel free to chip in an extra amount to support our mission.  God Bless Texas!

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