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Friend, the reports out of South Sudan are terrifying. The country was already one of the most dangerous places to be a child and now as floods continue, we fear the situation could worsen in the coming months.

Already, the floods have displaced more than 490,000 children. In its wake, pneumonia is killing one child every hour, the health facilities children need more than ever have been destroyed and nutrition and safe water are incredibly scarce. And the waters are still rising.

You may not have the power to stop a flood, but you know what you can do, Friend? You can help save a child's life. You have the power to give nutrition and medical aid today. In fact, right now, whatever you give can be DOUBLED, saving even more children.

In crises like this, every minute counts. Please, make your very first gift to UNICEF USA right now and have it matched dollar-for-dollar.

There are only two days left in 2019 — let's not stop until every child has hope for the year ahead.

Thank you,


P.S. Your gift today will go where needed most. The crisis in South Sudan is urgent, but if funds are needed elsewhere, your MATCHED donation will help there, too. Please give now >>
We won't stop fearlessly delivering hopeWe won't stop fearlessly delivering hope
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