John, Attorney General Ellison’s anti-choice GOP opponent, Jim Schultz, has never even stepped foot inside of a courtroom, let alone tried a case. He is a hedge fund lawyer who helps make the richest people in the world richer and vowed to “go on offense, offense, offense” attacking reproductive freedom in Minnesota.


Attorney General Ellison’s anti-choice GOP opponent, Jim Schultz, has never even stepped foot inside of a courtroom, let alone tried a case. He is a hedge fund lawyer who helps make the richest people in the world richer and vowed to “go on offense, offense, offense” attacking reproductive freedom in Minnesota.

But even though Schultz is unqualified and out of touch, this is a midterm election, and here are the facts:

FACT: POLITICO is calling Keith "Minnesota’s Most Vulnerable Progressive."

FACT: New public polling from The Trafalgar Group shows Keith down by FIVE POINTS against his anti-choice GOP opponent.

FACT: Fundraising numbers show we were outraised by Schultz during the last public reporting period.

John, Keith is in one of the closest, most-watched races in the country. You can be 100% sure every square inch of our fundraising report will be scrutinized after Monday’s public deadline. We can’t afford another devastating blow to our campaign if we miss our target and look vulnerable.

To reach our goal, we still need to raise $103,631 over the next three days. Will you rush a donation that works for you right now ($10, $25, $50 – anything!) to help us across the finish line? We only get one chance to hit this target.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Team Keith



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States